Local Cause Brings Rivals Together Again
Oklahoma Sooners and Texas Longhorns Unite on March 29
to Improve Houston Homes, Families and Communities

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Last May, Houston-area alumni chapters of the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas put aside their traditional athletic rivalries to raise money for relief efforts in the aftermath of the devastating tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma. Under the auspices of the OU Club of Houston and the Texas Exes Houston Chapter, these two community-minded organizations are again joining hearts and hands for a worthy cause in their own hometown: service to Houston’s low-income elderly and veteran homeowners in need.
"Rivals Rebuilding Together" will be a day of service for the Sooners and Longhorns on Saturday, March 29, to help support the local volunteer work organized by Rebuilding Together-Houston (RT-H), which for 32 years has provided over $10 million dollars in needed repair work to the city’s most economically-challenged neighborhoods – at no cost to the homeowners.
To make your pledge as a volunteer, please complete the form available here.
"It wasn't a complete surprise last year to learn that Sooners and Longhorns could work side by side," says Tim Gregg of The OU Club of Houston, coordinator for the 2013 and 2014 alumni partnerships. "While we may not cheer for the same team on a certain Saturday in October, we all recognize the importance of helping those in need."
According to RT-H Executive Director, Jim Soller, Rebuilding Together-Houston annually utilizes the services of more than 6,000 dedicated volunteers from among Houston’s best-known corporations, congregations and community organizations.
"Our programs address basic living and quality of life needs," says Soller. "The work we do creates safer, healthier environments and makes it possible for people to live independently for a longer time in their own homes.
“We are deeply grateful to the men and women of Houston's OU and UT alumni groups for their commitment to our cause."
The OU Club of Houston and Texas Exes Houston Chapter raised more than $7,500 to assist Oklahomans recovering from last year's tragic storms. And while the two alumni groups hope to make a significant financial contribution to RT-H, what matters most this time, according to Gregg, is the compassionate contribution of time and energy.
"Most of us take for granted having a roof over our heads, and a safe, dry place to sleep at night," says Gregg. "Unfortunately, diminishing financial circumstances can physically impact the sanctuary that every home should be. Rebuilding Together provides both hope and dignity. A few hours of our individual time, multiplied by the collective efforts of alumni and friends of our two great schools will make a profound difference in the lives of people in need and the neighborhoods in which they live. That in turn, helps make our city a better place for everyone to call home."
According to Gregg, the two alumni groups will again compete for the "Golden Boot." Last year, as the organization raising the most money in the aftermath of the Moore tornado, the Boot went to the OU Club of Houston. This year, the honor will be awarded to the chapter which donates the most volunteer hours to the RT-H project.
If you are an OU Club of Houston member, a school alumnus or just a Sooner fan living in the Houston area, you’re encouraged to participate in this unique opportunity. To register as a volunteer for "Rivals Rebuilding Together," fill out the form found here.
To make a donation to Rebuilding Together Houston through The OU Club of Houston click here, or call The Club at 281.560.3645.

For more information about Rebuilding Together Houston, please call (713) 923-1855 ext. 24, or visit www.rebuildingtogetherhouston.org.