Houston Sooners "Stake Their Claim" to an OU Football Legend at 2013 Club Golf Tournament
By Dan Boz, tournament and scholarship committee co-chair
The OU Club of Houston held its annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on April 22, 2013, at Longwood Country Club. About 40 golfers gathered to hear introductory remarks from Jay Wilkinson regarding both his and his father's relationship with famous University of Oklahoma athlete and successful Texas Longhorn football coach Darrell Royal. This was preceded by the announcement of the Club's new Darrell Royal Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded annually to a deserving Houston area high school senior. Jay was also gracious enough to autograph copies of his book, Dear Jay, Love Dad, for any interested participants. Additional copies of the book are now available on the Club's website
Following Jay's remarks Joe Washington gave us his recollections of his time playing against the Royal coached Longhorns which include four straight OU wins. He also elaborated on his enjoyment of using both hands in hook'em horns fashion to represent his Sooners four year dominance in the Red River rivalry. In would be an understatement to say this imagery was heartily applauded by all in attendance.
Following 18 holes of camaraderie, liquid refreshment and some very good golf, we all adjourned to the Longwood dining room for a tasty fajita dinner followed by the wrap-up of the silent auction, which had been open all day. The first place team included Phil Crenshaw, Brig Miller, Kelley Shannon, Jeff Sheremata and Andy Macklin, with an assist from Joe Washington. The long drive competition was won by a prodigious blast from Jeff Sheremata.
The generous support from local Sooners and our many friends from Norman should result in over $6,000 going into the Club's Scholarship Fund !!
Check back to the OU Club of Houston Web site for information on the 2014 tournament.
For a complete gallery of photos, go to The OU Club of Houston Facebook page