Our country is in urgent
need of a new immigration policy. We need common-sense
laws that will crack down on illegal immigration
and protect our nation from those who wish us
Border security is first
and foremost a matter of national security.
In the post-9/11 world, protecting our borders
must be a top priority. But Illegal immigration
is also about economic security.
While America has always
been a welcoming nation, illegal immigration
creates an sub-class of workers who provide
unfair competition with the many hardworking
Oklahomans who are struggling to make ends meet.
As a result, undocumented workers have driven
down wages, benefits and working conditions
for all workers.
Dan Boren believes immigration
reform should reflect a commitment to enforcement,
not reward those who break the rules with amnesty.
Since first elected, Congressman
Boren has:
Voted to place more inspectors and canine
units at border crossings
Voted to require all employers to check
the immigration status of job applicants and
stiffen penalties against employers for hiring
illegal immigrants
Voted to construct a 700-mile fence
along the southern border