Issues / Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the most vital aspects of Oklahoma's economy. We have relied on the land for generations. But drive down almost any street of a small rural town in our state and you can see and feel the challenges farmers and ranchers face.

America's farms and ranches are experiencing some of the worst conditions since the early part of the last century, as rising expenses, industry consolidation and increasing global competition are driving family farms out of business. Our farmers and ranchers provide the safest, most abundant and affordable food supply in the world and they deserve policies that allow them to continue the work they love and that preserve the rural lifestyle that brought countless families to Eastern Oklahoma in the first place.

Our farmers and ranchers need relief from a complex federal tax code that - in the case of the estate tax - has forced some to give up farms that have been in their families for generations. They need fair trade agreements that level the playing field at a time when our country is importing an increasing percentage of its food. And they need common-sense reforms to environmental laws that respect the rights of private property owners.

As one of the nation's top agriculture producing states, Oklahoma has a lot at stake when Congress considers policies that affect farmers and ranchers. Since first being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Boren has:

Voted for permanent repeal of the estate tax
Voted to reform the Endangered Species Act, removing burdensome restrictions on what private landowners can do with their land
Voted for a Farm Bill that recognizes the importance of Eastern Oklahoma's specialty crops
Introduced legislation with Congresswoman Mary Fallin to ease restrictions on farm trucks
Successfully fought to keep open the Agriculture Research Service Station in Lane, Okla.
Fought for emergency disaster assistance to help farmers and ranchers crippled by prolonged drought


Paid For by Boren For Congress / PO Box 1924 / Muskogee, OK 74402

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