Boren Congressional Awards
and Honors
Appreciation Award for the Small
Business Innovation and Incubation - OSU-Okmulgee/Mid
America Industrial Park
Presidential Certificate of Recognition
Award - Mid-America Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of
Award of Appreciation for Public
Service to County Government - McIntosh County Elected
Achievers Under 40 - The Journal
Thomas Jefferson Award - International
Foodservice Distributors Association
Legislator of the Year Award - National
Lumber Building Materials Dealers Association
Certificate of Appreciation for Medicare
Part D Enrollment Assistance - Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services
Legislator of the Year Award - Safari
Club International - Washington Metro Chapter
Distinguished Community Health Superhero
Award - National Association of Community Health Centers,
Award of Appreciation - Disabled
American Veterans
Heavener Chamber of Commerce Appreciation
Award - Heavener Chamber of Commerce
Health Care Leadership Award - American
Optometric Association
Friend of the Wildcatter Award -
Oklahoma Independent Producers Association
Award of Excellence - Watermelon
Research and Development Group's Executive Committee
109th Congress
Small Business Champion Award - Small
Business and Entrepreneurship Council
Spirit of Enterprise Award - U.S.
Chamber of Commerce (1st and 2nd Session)
Champion of the Merit Shop Award
- Associated Builders and Contractors
Award for Manufacturing Legislative
Excellence Award - National Association of Manufacturers
110th Congress
Spirit of Enterprise Award - U.S.
Chamber of Commerce (1st Session)
Other Honors (without dates)
Leadership Oklahoma - Class XVII
Medicare Choices Leadership Award
- The Coalition for Medicare Choices
Award of Appreciation for Educating
Young Leaders - Congressional Youth Leadership Council
Award of Appreciation for Supporting
Veterans - Military Order of the Purple Heart; Disabled
American Veterans