Citi Stories Texas
People, Places and Events That Have Shaped The Lone Star State

Every Picture Tells A Story

Meet Mary Dubuisson: wife, mother, Texas A&M employee,and one of the area’s most talented amateur photographers.

How long have you lived in College Station? What brought you here?

My mom and dad moved our family to College Station in 1969 for jobs in Higher Education (dad at A&M, mom at Blinn).

What’s your “day job”?

Financial Analyst at Texas A&M.  Most days I write reports in our Data Warehouse.

What inspired your interest in photography?

My husband taught me the bare bones of film photograpy when we first got married (1988).  I was not very good and seldom took photos.  Then when the “point and shoot” digital cameras became common place, I started to be a more active photographer.  Typically just photos of the kids.  

When Cannon released the original Rebel XS with the detachable lenses I started to take lots of photos.  Again primarily our kids and their sporting events.   The turning point was my husband helping be buy a new Canon 70D in early 2017.  A nice camera and nice lenses really encouraged me to just walk around and shoot my environment.  Flowers, birds, people:  I really started to enjoy myself and actually feel like I could take a “decent” photo.  Previously I was very frustrated with the results (ie most were deleted due to over/under exposure or poor focus). 

In August of 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit and Easterwood was the staging ground for a huge array of military aircraft.  So out of a tragedy, I discovered a love for aircraft photographly!

What sort of things do you most enjoy photographing?

Airplanes, birds, sunrise/sunsets and kids.

As a College Station resident, what makes you most proud of the city’s progress and potential?

I love seeing the growth of our Parks and Recreation department and all their programs.  My kids benefitted from this for many years and I still visit the parks and enjoy the concerts at Wolf Pen Creek.  Especially meaningful are the LE memorial and the Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day events.

Below is a gallery of some of Mary’s favorite local photographs. Click on the images to learn the stories behind the photos.